Heat exchangers

Our company is also experienced in the fabrication of shell and tube heat exchangers manufactured from stainless, carbon steel, and refractory materials. By special request from clients, we have provided heat exchangers and condensing heat exchangers as well.


Standard fabrication range of dimensions:

  • Diameter: 300 – 3500mm
  • Wall thickness: 3,0 – 25,0mm


Application in the following sectors:

  • Chemical industry
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Food industry
  • Heating plants
Company details
Techno-Produkt Manufacturing, Technological mounting and Servicing ltd.
Address: 2510 Dorog, Esztergomi u. 14. Phone/Fax: (+36) 33 509-720
Email: info@technoprodukt.hu Web: www.technoprodukt.hu
Tax ID number: 10395314-2-11 EU Tax ID number 10395314
Bank account: OTP: 11740023-20027234 K&H: 10201006-50148336-00000000
Company registry number: 11-09-001048